Thursday, October 13, 2011

In Memory of Devin and others-

From the time we are born, we start dying.  No one knows how long or how short our life will be.  And  when death comes to a loved one, it is hard.  It is painful.  We are all dealt it sooner or later. 

Death came to my house, when I was 8 years old.  My Grandma came to school to pick us up and on the way home, she told us that our baby sister, Genevieve Wynette,  had passed away.  When we got to our house, my mother was sorting wash.  There was lots of sorted piles of baby clothes.   She was only 5 weeks old.  I also remember asking Mom if she died because I bumped her head on the rocking chair arm.  In my little mind, I was scared that I had done something to her to make her die.  "Crib Death"(as it was called back then) happened for no reason. But I was trying to understand what happened. 

 I remember just a little of the funeral.  I remember going to the Funeral Home to look at her in the casket before the funeral.  She was in a little white casket.  We sat on the front bench at church and I remember Dad passing his big white hanky to me because I was crying.

It has been 36 years since she died.  She was one of my five sisters.  I wonder what she would have been like.  I imagine we would talk on the phone several times a day like sisters do. 

But God had other plans.  He knew her life would be complete at 5 weeks and that is His perfect plan for her. 

Five years ago today, God also saw that Devin's life was complete.

  He was just five years old.  He was the same age as Lyndon and they were buddies.  My husband, his Uncle Gene, was Devin's hero.  And when death came, we wept; we hurt.  But in the end, we come to realize, that God knows best (I know this is so clicheish, but it is true!).  It is His perfect plan and we accept that.  No matter how painful.

This was not the end of our sorrows.  Exactly 12 weeks later, we got a phone call that my husband's mother had died.  It was a shock.  She had just slept away.  The funeral was fast and painful.  But we survived and now it is soon five years later.

Two weeks ago, we attended the funeral of Gene's aunt.  And the last song we sang was "Precious Memories."  It hit us both hard.  We had sung that song at his mother's funeral.

So the grief never goes away.  A part of you is gone. But we have the hope in Jesus, that we will see them again!

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