Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"How Does Your Garden Grow?"

In spite of the heat and no rain, my garden is doing fine.  I am very fortunate to be able to water. It takes several hoses to get it there, but it helps out alot.
My father-in-law usually plants our corn on the edge of his corn field, but this year, he didn't.  So we had to plant it in my garden.  I was afraid I wouldn't have enough, hence two different places. 

Some times I like to try to grow different things.  This year, it is popcorn.  Last year, it was the year of the butternut squash!

I am having a little trouble with bunnies and groundhogs tasting my beans.  I used hot pepper wax spray on the first batch of beans and had no trouble. 

I also used the spray on my lettuce plants and was able to harvest several heads.  Here is a picture of one of them-
I was pretty pleased because I had never grown head lettuce before!
Our extra hard work of bagging grass early in the year cuts down on weeds.  We did not get it all covered, but what we did takes care of alot of them.  With a little maintenance,  the weeds are kept to a minimum.  Sometimes towards the end of the season, weeds get to be more of a problem.  Pictured above and below is my Blue Lake Pole Beans. 
Picking beans is hard on my back, so I plant pole beans.  They are very much like the bush kind, except they have vines that help them to grow on poles.  I plant three or four around each pole. It gets a little full but I don't care.  It sure is better than stooping over short plants!

Here are some more things I planted-
The best kind to plant is Sangria.  I planted a few late, so not sure if I will get any from them.  I don't remember what kind this one is.  Hopefully it will be good. 
I don't very often plant peppers, but this year I want to make ketchup.

How is your garden doing? 

What do you plant in your garden?

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